When Should I See Someone About Sexual Dysfunction?

Dr. J. Gabriel Guajardo has treated many cases of sexual dysfunction in Brownsville and Harlingen, TX, and helped many people get through this challenging situation. If you're going through this dysfunction and aren't sure if you need to see a doctor, it is important to consider the following facts first. These are three situations in which your dysfunction needs a doctor to help prevent long-term problems.

When It Hurts

Your genitals should never hurt, even if you're experiencing minor dysfunction. If you notice any pain or even bleeding from your genitals, you may need to visit a doctor right away. There's a real chance that a serious health problem is affecting you and could worsen if you don't get treatment.

Thankfully, professionals can assess what is causing this painful dysfunction and help you get the care that you need. This treatment may include various types of medications that can eliminate painful STDs or other conditions that may cause pain during sex or in your sexual organs.

If It Won't Go Away

Most cases of sexual dysfunction in Brownsville and Harlingen, TX, are associated with other conditions that may linger. For example, some arousal issues may develop because of heart-related problems, like high blood pressure, and may not go away for years.

As a result, it is important to talk to your doctor if you notice that your dysfunction isn't improving. Minor cases of low libido or performance issues shouldn't last more than a day or so. If yours have lasted weeks or even months, reach out to a doctor right away to get attention.

After Affecting Your Sex Life

Have you struggled to have a healthy sex life with your partner because of your dysfunction? If so, you're not alone. Many people find themselves unable to connect with their partner after developing dysfunction and may even experience long-term complications as a result.

Talking with your doctor can help you out in this situation by giving you the attention that you need to recover. A team of experts will explain your dysfunction to you and find a treatment method that ensures your sex life is as active and as exciting as you both want and deserve.

Help is Available

If you need help and aren't sure where to turn, Dr. Guajardo is here to help. He can help treat sexual dysfunction in Brownsville and Harlingen, TX, to ensure that you don't suffer. Please make sure to call us at (956) 350-4821 to set up your appointment or to learn more about our care options. Our team is standing by to help you understand your care and is ready to manage your sexual problems.

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